At the lowest part of the tree, where the grain is most prominent, odd figures emerge like a hidden language etched into its core. These figures may take the form of intricate patterns, delicate curls, or bold, jagged shapes. Each mark represents a moment of struggle or an environmental influence that left its indelible imprint on the tree.
Curled figures suggest resilience, as if the tree fought against strong winds and harsh conditions, adapting and bending but never breaking. Shakes, on the other hand, speak of instability and vulnerability, where the tree experienced stress or trauma that caused it to split or crack. Streaks run through the grain like rivers, telling tales of the nutrients absorbed and the seasons endured. These streaks vary in color, reflecting the different elements the tree encountered throughout its life.
In its odd figures, curls, shakes, and streaks, the stump showcases the tree’s individuality and uniqueness. No two stumps are exactly alike, just as no two trees experience the same journey. It is a reminder that life is not always smooth and predictable, but it is the scars and abnormalities that make us beautiful and interesting.