What is the meaning of the furniture term Sabot?

A sabot is a metal shoe that is fitted onto the bottom of a cabriole leg, typically used in furniture making. The cabriole leg is a common design element in traditional furniture, characterized by its curved and S-shaped silhouette.

The sabot serves multiple purposes in this context. It provides stability and protection to the leg, preventing it from wearing down or getting damaged over time. The metal material also adds durability to the leg, ensuring it can withstand regular use and support the weight of the furniture piece.

Additionally, the sabot can be used as a decorative element, adding an aesthetic touch to the leg. It can be made in various styles and finishes, such as brass, chrome, or antique patina, to complement the overall design of the furniture.

The sabot enhances the functionality and longevity of the cabriole leg while adding a visually pleasing element to the furniture.

Metal shoe fitting bottom of cabriole leg.
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